THE 7 Deadly Sins of Writing Childrens Books


Want to finally write that children's book?

Let this ebook help you AVOID the biggest mistakes a new children's book author often makes.

You'll learn how to weave your core idea into one of the 8 most popular children's book themes.

This is as close to a step by step writing process as you can get.

Here's the List of 7 Biggest and Deadliest mistakes writers make when writing a children's book.

Deadly Sin #1 Pictures Do NOT Tell the Story

Deadly Sin #2 Show Don't Tell

Deadly Sin #3 Marry Logic With Creativity

Deadly Sin #4 Action, Action and More Action....

Deadly Sin #5 Don't Make Assumptions

Deadly Sin #6 Create a Real Story Around the Lesson

Deadly Sin #7 A Few Words on Grammar, Spelling and Punctuation

The Extra Sin: An All Encompassing Example

BONUS: The 8 Most Popular Kids Book Themes

By simply avoiding these 7 common (and deadly) mistakes, you'll instantly write a better children's story.

You'll even see examples from manuscript critiques the author has given her clients. So get ready for clarity in your writing process.

It takes work, but this process will get you there faster by helping you to avoid the most common mistakes new children's book authors make.

So make your first kids book a great experience!

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THE 7 Deadly Sins of Writing Childrens Books

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